What if I can’t meet the physical fitness standards upon arrival to the unit?
If a scholarship student arrives at the unit and fails to meet the physical fitness standards, their scholarship will not be activated. The student could still participate within the unit as a college program option.
If I don’t receive a four-year scholarship, can I still attend The Ohio State University and eventually receive a scholarship or a commission in the United States Navy or Marine Corps?
Students who do not get selected for a National NROTC Scholarship can still apply to be a part of the unit as a college program student.
When is the scholarship application deadline?
Applications may be submitted from April 1 until December 31 for the following academic year. Completed applications will be processed as they are received. Notifications of selection can start as early as September.
What does a scholarship cover/not cover?
For a comprehensive breakdown, visit the NROTC Scholarships webpage.
How do I get an NROTC Scholarship application form?
The quickest way to get information on NROTC Scholarships and begin the application process is visit the Naval Education and Training Command website. You can also call 800-USA-Navy and request an NROTC scholarship application be sent in the mail.
What are the academic scholarship requirements?
To be considered for an academic scholarship, prospective students must meet the national criteria. For more information, please visit https://www.netc.navy.mil/Commands/Naval-Service-Training-Command/NROTC/Requirements/ .
The academic tier groups correspond to the level of technical difficulty associated with each major. The more technically challenging majors (i.e. mechanical engineering) are listed as Tier 1 majors, while the less technically challenging majors (i.e. history) are listed as ier 3 majors. Navy and Marine Corps members operate some of the world’s most advanced technology and equipment; thus, the midshipmen are encouraged to pursue Tier 1 and Tier 2 majors.
What is the unit’s battle rhythm?
Days and times are always subject to change; however, the following provides a basic idea and is not limited to many requirements during a typical weekly routine in the NROTC unit.
Company or Platoon Physical Training will be twice a week and begin at 0600 and end at 0730.
Company Drill/Lab will be once a week. Drill is split into two sessions on Wednesday afternoons. Session one is from 13:50 to 14:50 and session two is from 15:00 to 16:00.
Remedial Fitness Program is conducted once a week, typically Friday morning. All Marines who score a cumulative Physical Fitness Score or Combat Fitness Score below a 250 will be assigned to remedial physical training.
During autumn semester, Buckeye football season, expect to be on campus every Sunday. During the spring semester, Buckeye football Spring Game, expect to be on campus the following Sunday morning.
What is a Degree Completion Plan (DCP)?
A Degree Completion Plan is a spreadsheet used here at the unit that maps out your degree requirements by breaking down each course that will be taken each semester. The DCP will be completed by you and your Ohio State academic advisor throughout your study. The DCP will be filed inside your NROTC Student Academic jacket and be required for all academic advising with you and the Marine Officer Instructor (MOI). The DCP is a tool for you and your NROTC advisor to track your progress and assist in your preparation toward commissioning.
How does dental coverage work while I am assigned to the NROTC?
You are covered under TRICARE United Concordia. Visit the website and click on Active Duty Service Members. Follow all remote details and be aware that you must find an approved dentist in your area as well as receive an Appointment Control Number (ACN).
How does medical coverage work while I am assigned to the NROTC?
You will contact TRICARE or visit the website and review the TRICARE Prime Remote information. You will need to speak to a TRICARE service agent to set up Prime Remote.
What order/policy governs a Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program student under the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps?
Regulations for Officer Development (ROD) NSTC M-1533.2_. For specific MECEP guidance, refer to Appendix K. The ROD is a Naval Service Training Command directive that specifies and sets the requirements and expectations of all active-duty Marines assigned to an NROTC unit. However, Marines are subject to all Marine Corps Orders that specify a multitude of requirements not to be confused with a midshipmen or STA-21 who is not governed by Marine Corps Orders.
What is my role in the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Unit/Program?
Your role is to be a Marine staff non-commissioned and non-commissioned officer in a student status in a Naval training command. You will be integrated with the midshipmen and officer candidates (STA-21) and be considered a Marine in ranks amon various assigned billet holders and upper classmen. You will not be considered staff nor faculty. You will not only attend classes but will be expected to hold collateral duties and billets within the company structure. You will be required to attend all training evolutions and NROTC events and be required to lead, set the example and execute training plans alongside the midshipmen and officer candidates.
What jobs could I have upon graduation and commissioning from Ohio State NROTC?
The NROTC program is designed to produce unrestricted line officers (surface warfare officers, submarine officers, naval aviators, SEALS/EOD) and Marine second lieutenants. The NROTC program is not designed to produce restricted line officers (medical professionals, lawyers, supply officers).
What type of academic assistance is provided for NROTC students at Ohio State?
The Ohio State NROTC Company provides calculus and physics tutors to assist midshipmen through these challenging courses during their academic careers at no cost to the students. Additional tutors may be available on a case-by-case basis.
The Ohio State NROTC Company has its own study rooms and computer lab. These facilities enable the midshipmen to do homework, write papers and email professors, all from the NROTC unit. Unlike other university labs, these facilities are for midshipmen use only.
Can my high school AP calculus and AP physics credits be applied to my calculus and physics requirement?
Yes, for first semester calculus and physics classes only. Students may not use high school credits to fulfill both semesters of the requirement for calculus and physics. The second or higher semester of calculus and physics must be taken at The Ohio State University.
What are the disqualifying medical conditions for NROTC?
Applicants are required to schedule a physical examination through the Department of Defense Medical Examination Board. For a full list of medical questions, please visit http://www.nrotc.navy.mil/physical_requirements.html .
Can I participate in the NROTC Program if I attend one of Ohio State’s regional campuses?
No, you must attend Ohio State’s Columbus campus to participate in the NROTC Program.
What is the service commitment time after graduation and commissioning?
After receiving a commission, Navy students are obligated to serve a minimum five-year service agreement; however, some communities require longer commitments. Marine options are obligated to serve four years after commissioning.
Do I have to wear a uniform every day?
No, students typically only have to wear their uniform on the day that we have drill each week.
Am I limited in the majors that I may choose?
No, you may choose any major offered by the university. Scholarship students must pursue the major listed on their application. To be competitive for a scholarship as a college program student, engineering and technical majors are preferred.
How much time will I spend each week participating in NROTC?
Most students should expect to spend between seven to 10 hours per week with the NROTC Unit.
- Monday/Wednesday — Morning PT Session in Navy PT uniform (1 hour each)
- Wednesday — Afternoon drill period in Navy khaki uniform (1.5 hours)
- Friday — Remedial PT for 1 hour (if below physical fitness standards)
- Students will also take a Naval Science class each semester, totaling three hours per week. Additionally, incoming freshman have an additional 10 hours of required study hall per week.
Does the Navy pay for Room and Board?
Potentially. You have the option of using your Navy Scholarship to pay for tuition or room and board. Most commonly, out-of-state students will use their Navy Scholarship for Tuition. In-state students may get more value out of their Navy Scholarship by using it to pay for room and board if they have other scholarships (university or private) that help cover tuition costs.
Are there specific dorms that I must live in for NROTC?
No, there is no designated dorm for NROTC students.
What are the physical/medical requirements?
Physical fitness is an integral part of being a Naval officer. Navy option midshipmen are required to participate in and pass the Physical Fitness Assessment, which is run twice a year. This test includes curl-ups, push-ups and a 1.5-mile timed run. Marine option midshipmen are required to participate in and pass a Physical Fitness Assessment, which includes crunches, pull-ups and a 3-mile timed run.
For more information, visit http://www.nrotc.navy.mil/physical_requirements.html
What are the entrance requirements for the NROTC program?
- U.S. citizenship, a naturalized U.S. Citizen or in process of becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen. Note: If selected, must be a U.S. citizen in order to activate the scholarship.
- Not less than 17 years old by Sept. 1 of the year starting college and no more than 23 on Dec. 31 of that year.
- Must not have reached 27th birthday by Dec. 31 of the year in which graduation and commissioning are anticipated.
- Applicants with prior military service may be eligible for age adjustments for the amount of time equal to their prior service, on month-by-month basis, for a maximum of 36 months, if they will not reach their 30th birthday by Dec. 31 of the year graduation and commissioning are anticipated.
- High school graduation or equivalency certificate by Aug. 1 of the year of entrance into four-year NROTC Scholarship program.
- No moral obligations or personal convictions that prevent conscientious bearing of arms and supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, or to taking an oath to perform such acts.
- Medically qualified by Navy or Marine Corps standards.
- You must not have any body piercing or tattoos that violate Navy or Marine Corps policy.
- Students with 30 or more semester hours or 45 or more quarter hours of college credit upon application are not eligible for four-year NROTC Scholarships; these students should see professors of naval science at host university’s NROTC unit to discuss other scholarship opportunities. Note: College credits anticipated to be earned by June of the application year count toward the College credit limit.
- You must be within Navy or Marine Corps height/weight standards when you report.
- Apply for and gain admission to an approved NROTC college or university. Admission to an NROTC institution is not required during the selection process; however, notification of admission must be received before the scholarship can be activated.
- Students may apply for only one of two program options at NROTC Ohio State — Navy or Marine Corps.
- Active-duty Navy applicants are ineligible to apply for NROTC program through COMNAVCRUITCOM. Active members of other branches of the military may apply if granted a conditional release. Individuals who are scheduled for boot camp may apply provided they complete all required application evolutions (i.e. officer interview, etc.). Applicants shall not ship to boot camp RTC prior to notification of selection or non-selection. Applicants who chose to ship to boot camp prior to selection/non-selection notification must notify NSTC (OD2), in writing, that they wish to withdraw their application.